Missions Conference 2011
Wow! What a Missions Conference we had this year! Pastor David Smith is a dear friend and tremendous man of God. After pastoring churches in Massachusetts and Arkansas for many years, he has come back to New England with his precious wife Sharon to encourage churches in the areas of soul winning, church planting and missions. He was our keynote speaker for our conference this year. Our theme was “Get On Board” with missions! We had five missionaries come to share with us their burdens for souls: The Papes to the Dominican Republic, the Staples to Spain, the Princes to Uraguay, the Browns to Montana, and Ron Cole with HELP Ministries. We had great attendance each night and our church folks were so faithful each night. The Lord really used this conference to stir our hearts to reach the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. Pastor Smith showed us with clarity from the Bible that our church has a responsibility to reach the whole world with the Gospel. God is all about saving sinners and changing lives, and we need to be about that business by reaching our community,
our country, and the world. The auditorium and Sunday School rooms were decorated with a train theme for “Get on Board.” We started each service with the pastor and missionary men dressed up as train conductors, complete with train whistles, marching around the auditorium singing “The Good Old Gospel Train.” As we marched around, we would call people out of the pews to get on board. By the time of our last service, everyone in the auditorium was marching around and the pews were empty! No one thought it was silly, but all got on board! It was an awesome time and very memorable for everyone!