Reviving the Mission-Day Three

Pastor Adam Rivero from Liberty Baptist Church in Easton, MA will be our guest speaker.  He will be speaking on the subject of Furthering the Gospel, even in times of affliction.  We all have hard and difficult times come into our lives.  God uses them to draw us close to Him, and the result is […]

Reviving the Mission-Day Five

Join us for our Sunday morning service as we worship the Lord and bring our Missions Conference to a close.  Our pastor, Pastor Ed Prescott, will bring final message on Reviving the Mission.  He will speak on "Flourishing in the Mission."  Our goal as Christians is to flourish in Christ and to be joyful in […]

Reviving the Mission Banquet

Join us for the close of our Missions Conference with our annual banquet.  Our focus of this conference has been reaching our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Instead of an international banquet featuring international foods, folks will be bringing dishes from around New England.  This is always a wonderful time of fellowship for […]

No Evening Service

Our services today closed with our missions banquet after our morning service.  Sunday evening services will resume next Sunday.

Thanksgiving Pie Night

Join us for a wonderful evening of worshiping and thanking God for all the blessings He has shown us this year.  We will have lots of singing and a relevant message from the Bible.  It will be followed by a great time of fellowship as we enjoy homemade pies of all sorts!  You are welcome!!

No Evening Prayer/Bible Study

Our midweek service was moved to Tuesday this week in order to give our families time to travel and prepare for Thanksgiving on Wednesday.  On Tuesday we celebrated Thanksgiving as a church with our annual Thanksgiving Pie Night.  We will resume our regular schedule next week.

Last Day to Register for Toys for Kids Program

Monday, December 16th, is the last day to register for the Cornerstone Toys for Kids program.  If you are a family in need, please call the church and leave your name, number and a message that you would like to register and a volunteer will call you back.

No Morning Services, 5pm Service instead

Because of the overnight snowstorm, there will be no morning services today.  We have moved our 6pm service to 5pm instead.  It's the Lord's Day!  Let's dig out and come out for the 5pm service!

Couples’ Valentine’s Banquet

Join us for a fabulous evening for dinner, games and entertainment.  Pastor Chris DiGiacomo, of Lifeline Baptist Church in Haverhill, Massachusettes, will be our guest speaker.  He, his wife Jen, and their five children have been in the ministry there since 2008.  He will bring an encouraging devotion to strengthen our relationships.  It will be […]