No Evening Service
Our services today closed with our missions banquet after our morning service. Sunday evening services will resume next Sunday.
Our services today closed with our missions banquet after our morning service. Sunday evening services will resume next Sunday.
Join us for a wonderful evening of worshiping and thanking God for all the blessings He has shown us this year. We will have lots of singing and a relevant […]
Our midweek service was moved to Tuesday this week in order to give our families time to travel and prepare for Thanksgiving on Wednesday. On Tuesday we celebrated Thanksgiving as […]
Monday, December 16th, is the last day to register for the Cornerstone Toys for Kids program. If you are a family in need, please call the church and leave your […]
Because of the overnight snowstorm, there will be no morning services today. We have moved our 6pm service to 5pm instead. It's the Lord's Day! Let's dig out and come […]
Join us for a fabulous evening for dinner, games and entertainment. Pastor Chris DiGiacomo, of Lifeline Baptist Church in Haverhill, Massachusettes, will be our guest speaker. He, his wife Jen, […]